Department of English

Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University


Occasional Magazine Guidelines



Ignite is our 235 class occasional magazine. Like Lewis Carroll's Mischmasch, a periodical he made for his brothers and sisters where we find "Jabberwocky" first incarnated as a "Stanza of Anglo-Saxon Poetry" with discussion and glossary, our some-time publication can present fun literary readings and host first appearances of creative and critical work that may have later lives as Ananchanok Prize winning entries and acclaimed studies.

We will be producing three issues throughout the semester with a different team of students responsible for each issue.


General Guidelines


Each issue of Ignite should have at least 3 pieces of creative work and at least 3 pieces of critical writing selected from original submissions like at Shonen Jump in the series Bakuman, except our authors use pseudonyms and are anonymous. Aside from that you can design what you like. Be inventive.

Within the creative work category, for example, you can explore various possibilities. What constitutes creative work? Will you have some or any of the following?

Note the three featured creative work should showcase verbal or narrative talent. This wordcraft is different from other creative work you might include like fashion, jewelry, architectural, product design or other crafts.

Other types of content you might consider are

Teams or team leaders should get together to determine some common section titles, structures, designs or layout.

Soliciting and Submitting Work

Occasionally, we produce creative and critical work in class. Prompts for these and others that I make up or that teams request will be posted on the blog Roundtable Conversation. Submit your work anonymously for consideration in the magazine by replying to these blog posts using your anagram (of the course title) pseudonym. Teams may ask acquaintances not in our section or the general public to submit their work on the blog for consideration as well.

For example, here are some blog prompts:

Publication Dates

Issue 1: February 16
Issue 2: March 27
Issue 3: April 20

Team Leaders

Issue 1: Kukasina
Issue 2: Pattawee
Issue 3: Peemapon

Team leaders choose three class members to form your team of four people who will curate the works to be featured in your issue of Ignite and produce it.





HomeReading and Analysis for the Study of English Literature  |

Last updated April 20, 2017