Department of English
Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University
Presentation Guidelines
You will have two formal ten-minute presentations in this class: one is on a Ghosh studies topic you have chosen below, and the other is a presentation of your final paper. Each presentation will be followed by a ten-minute question, answer and critique session.
Ghosh Studies: Locations in Place and Time
What are locations in place and time like in the work of Amitav Ghosh? Make a catalog of "places" and "times" in your chosen novel and notice how they are expected or unexpected choices for the novel's setting. How do these locations ask us to conceptualize the world? Design a project that can be put online that engages visitors in exploring these sites in a way that complements the novel. Some questions to ask yourself as you create the project:
What places are mentioned in the novel?
What locations do events take place in?
What periods are mentioned?
What are the time settings for the stories?
How detailed or broad are the place and time locations?
Is there any pattern to them?
How might you group these places and times?
What associations, links, or connections does Ghosh make between them?
How are they evoked or described?
What effect do such evocations have? Why might Ghosh choose to describe the locations in this way?
What is the significance of these place and time locations that Ghosh proposes? that you see?
Make note of any other discoveries and observations
Project Presentation Schedule
The Calcutta Chromosome (Ployjai, August 11, 2011)
The Hungry Tide (Warut, August 18, 2010)
Sea of Poppies (Pinhathai, August 25, 2011)
Final Paper Presentation
Prepare a ten-minute in-class presentation of your final paper for September 22, 2010. Also, be prepared to critique classmates' presentations and respond to your friends' feedback on yours.
Oral Presentation Guides If you are using PowerPoint in your presentation, these guidelines can help you design effective slides: Plagiarism |
Last updated August 3, 2011