16th June - 25th July 2003



To provide a multi-faceted understanding of Europe today by giving access to a number of key elements in the functioning of the European Union. Participants are provided with the tools to help understand both the impact and the complexities of integration within the European Union and their implications for business strategies, the world economy and international relations.

In 2003 particular emphasis will be placed on four developments:

a.      An examination of the impact of the euro 18 months after its physical introduction in 11 of the 15 member states.

b.      Europe-US relations since the 11th September and after the war in Iraq.

c.      The impact of enlargement after the referendum in Poland.

d.      Asia-Europe relations after ASEM IV.



Intensive multidisciplinary classes incorporating historical, sociological, economic and political approaches. Each class is taught by an expert in the particular field.

The programme is multi-disciplinary involving lectures, seminars, roundtable discussions and tutorials. The interactive nature of the teaching is stressed during role plays and simulations and visits to specially chosen firms. There are over 70 hours of classes. Integrated in the academic programme is an academic field trip to Brussels.



a.      Each participant prepares a research report either individually or in jointly with one other student.

b.      A three hour written examination held on Tuesday 22nd July.

c.      A twenty minute oral examination in front of the examination committee.

d.      The diploma for the programme can be awarded with honours or high honours.



The Sciences Po Asia-Europe programme is specifically designed for Asian graduates and graduate students and young professionals. A diversity of academic background, experience and career orientation is encouraged.