รหัสวิชา 22096212
จำนวนหน่วยกิจ 3 หน่วยกิต
ชื่อวิชาทฤษฎีภาษาศาสตร์ (Linguistic Theories)
คณะ/ภาควิชาอักษรศาสตร์/ ภาษาศาสตร์
ภาคการศึกษาปลาย ปีการศึกษา 2561
ชื่อผู้สอนรศ.ดร.วิโรจน์ อรุณมานะกุล
สถานภาพของวิชา บังคับ
ชื่อหลักสูตรภาษาศาสตร์ วิชาระดับปริญญาโท/เอก จำนวนชั่วโมงที่สอน/สัปดาห์ 3 ชั่วโมง (พุธ 9.30-12.30 น.)
เนื้อหาวิชา พัฒนาการของทฤษฎีภาษาศาสตร์ มโนทัศน์และหลักการของสำนักคิดต่างๆ ปัจจัยที่นำไปสู่การเสนอทฤษฎีเหล่านี้
วัตถุประสงค์ นิสิตสามารถ 1. นำเสนอภาพรวมของวิวัฒนาการของทฤษฎีและกระบวนทัศน์ภาษาศาสตร์หลักๆได้ 2. นิยามมโนทัศน์หลักในแนวคิดทฤษฎีต่างๆ 3. เปรียบเทียบทฤษฎีต่างๆ ในหัวข้อหรือประเด็นที่ตนเองสนใจ
14.2 เนื้อหารายวิชาต่อสัปดาห์
1 Overview of Linguistic Theories
2 "Traditional Grammar
Comparative Historical Linguistics"
3 Modern Linguistics : Saussure
4-5 "Structural/Descriptive Linguistics
Sapir & Bloomfield"
6-8 "Generative Linguistics
Chomsky, LFG, HPSG"
9 "Functional Linguistics
10 "Cognitive Linguistics
Cognitive grammar"
11 word grammar, optimality theory
12 Probabilistic Linguistics
13 Critical Linguistics
สอบปลายภาค 8.30-11.30
14.6.1 การประเมินความรู้ทางวิชาการ (สอบ)ร้อยละ 40
14.6.2 `กิจกรรมในชั้นเรียนร้อยละ 10
14.6.3 การประเมินผลงานที่ได้มอบหมาย ร้อยละ 50
1. นำเสนอ proposal จัด workshop Linguistics 1 วัน
2. powerpoint สื่อการสอนที่ใช้สอนใน workshop
A=85-100% B+ =75-84% B=65-74% C+=55-64% C=40-54% D+ = 30-39% D = 15-29% F=0-14%
15.1 หนังสือบังคับ
ศาสตร์แห่งภาษา: ความเป็นมาและพัฒนาการ (pdf)
[2] Lyons, John. 1969. Introduction to Theoretical Linguistics. [p1-52]
[2] Robins, R.H. 1967. A Short History of Linguistics. Longmans. [p 9-163]
[3] Sampson, Geoffrey 1980. Schools of Linguistics. Stanford U. Press [Introduction p13-33]
[4] Sampson, Geoffrey 1980. Schools of Linguistics. Stanford U. Press [Saussure p34-56]
[4] Harris, R., Harris, R. & Taylor, T. J. (1989). Landmarks in linguistic thought : the Western tradition from Socrates to Saussure. London ; New York: Routledge [Saussure]
[5] Joseph, J. E., Love, N. & Taylor, T. J. (2001). Landmarks in linguistic thought II : the Western tradition in the twentieth century. London ; New York: Routledge [Chapter 1 Sapir]
[5] De Beaugrande, R. 1991.[Edward Sapir, Leonard Bloomfield p34-87]
[6] Sampson, Geoffrey 1980. [London School p212-235]
[6] Joseph, J. E., Love, N. & Taylor, T. J. (2001). Landmarks in linguistic thought II : the Western tradition in the twentieth century. London ; New York: Routledge [Chapter 5 Firth]
[6] Chapman, S. & Routledge, C. (2005). Key thinkers in linguistics and the philosophy of language. New York: Oxford University Press [JR Firth]
[6] Lyon, John. (1966). Firth’s Theory of Meaning. In Bazell et al. (eds.) In Memory of J R Firth. London: Longmans.
[7] Sampson, Geoffrey 1980. [Prague School 103-129]x
[7] Butler, C. S. (2006). Functionalist Theories of Language. In: Keith Brown (ed), Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, 2nd Edition. Oxford: Elsevier. [Ch 1, 1-31]
[7] Givon, T. 1984. Syntax: A Functional Typological Introduction. John Benjamins [Introduction p1-27]
[8] Christian Matthiessen & M. A. K. Halliday 1997. Systemic Functional Grammar: A First Step Into The Theory (http://minerva.ling.mq.edu.au/resource/VirtuallLibrary/Publications/sfg_firststep/SFG intro New.html)
[9] Cowper, E.A. 1992. A Concise Introduction to Syntactic Theory. University of Chicago Press. [p1-18]
[9] Newmeyer, F. 1980. Linguistic Theory in America. Academic Press. [p93-114]
[10] Fillmore, Charles. 1968. The Case for Case. In Universals in Linguistic Theory. Bach E. and Harms, RT Holt, Rinehart and Winston Inc. [p1-60]
[11] Starosta, S. Lexicase Grammar. [http://www2.hawaii.edu/~stanley/dpndc_l'.rtf]
[12] de Geest and Jaspers 1991. Government and Binding Theory. In Droste. F.G. and Joseph, J.E. Grammatical Theory and Grammatical Description. John Benjamins Publishing. [p23-61]
[12] Lasnik, M. 2006. Minimalism. In Keith Brown (Ed.): Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, Second Edition. Oxford: Elsevier.
[12] Veenstra, Mettina. Formalizing the Minimalist Program Groningen Dissertations in Linguistics 24 [p1-24]x
[13] Sell, Peter. 1985. Lexical Functional Grammar. In Lectures on Contemporary Syntactic Theories. CLSI. [p135-191]x
[13] Mary Dalrymple. 2006. Lexical Functional Grammar. In Keith Brown, ed., Encyclopedia of language and linguistics (2nd edition). Oxford: Elsevier. (http://users.ox.ac.uk/~cpgl0015/lfg.pdf)
[13] Falk, Y. 2001. Lexical-functional grammar : an introduction to parallel constraint-based syntax. Stanford, Calif.: CSLI Publications.
[14] Pollard, Carl J. and Ivan A. Sag. 1994. Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. [http://lingo.stanford.edu/sag/papers/PS94-ch1.pdf]
[14] Levine, Robert D. and Meurers, Detmar. 2006. Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar: Linguistic Approach, Formal Foundations, and Computational Realization. In Keith Brown (Ed.): Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, Second Edition. Oxford: Elsevier. 2006. [1-24]
[15] Steedman, Mark. 1993. Categorial Grammar in Lingua 90(1993) 221-258
[15] Steedman, Mark and Baldridge, Jason. 2011. Combinatory Categorial Grammar. Combinatory Categorial Grammar. In R. Borsley and K. Borjars (eds.) Non-Transformational Syntax, Blackwell. (http://lingo.stanford.edu/sag/L222B/papers/Steedman.pdf)
[16] Hudson and Langendonck 1991. Word Grammar In Droste. F.G. and Joseph, J.E. Grammatical Theory and Grammatical Description. John Benjamins Publishing. [p307-335]x
[16] Hudson, R. Word Grammar. In: Asher, R. ed. 1994. The Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, Oxford: Pergamon Press
[17] Evans, Vyvyan, Ben Bergen, and Joerg Zinken. 2006. An overview of Cognitive Linguistics. (http://www.brighton.ac.uk/languages/research/vyvevans/CLoverview.pdf)
[17] Vyvyan Evans and Melanie Green. 2006. Cognitive Linguistics: An Introduction (http://www.brighton.ac.uk/languages/research/vyvevans/EvansGreenCh1.pdf)
[17] Michaelis, L A. 2006. Construction Grammar. In Keith Brown (Ed.): Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, Second Edition. Oxford: Elsevier. 2006.
[17] Langacker, R. W. 2008. Cognitive grammar : a basic introduction. Oxford ; New York: Oxford University Press. Chapter1
[17] Rens Bod, Jennifer Hay, and Stefanie Jannedy. 2003. Introduction In Probabilistic Linguistics. Edited by Rens Bod, Jennifer Hay, Stefanie Jannedy. MIT Press. [p1-10]
[19] Boersma, P., Dekkers, J., and Weijer, Jeroen van de. 2000. Introduction In Optimality theory : phonology, systax and acquisition. edited by Joost Dekkers, Frank van de Leeuw, Jeroen van de Weijer. Oxford U Press. [p1-46]
[20] Van Dijk. 2001.Critical Discourse Analysis. In D. Tannen, D. Schiffrin & H. Hamilton (Eds.), Handbook of Discourse Analysis. (pp. 352-371). Oxford: Blackwell (http://www.discourses.org/OldArticles/Critical%20discourse%20analysis.pdf)x
[20] Norman Fairclough. 2005. Critical discourse analysis, Marges Linguistiques 9 2005 76-94 (http://www.ling.lancs.ac.uk/staff/norman/critdiscanalysis.doc) [p1-12]
15.2 หนังสืออ่านเพิ่มเติม
Bloomfield, L. 1933. Language. University of Chicago Press. [Chapter 10,12]
Chomsky, Noam. 1957. Syntactic Theory. The Hague: Mouton.
Chomsky, Noam. 1965. Aspects of a Theory of Syntax. MIT Press.
De Beaugrande, R. 1991. Linguistic Theory: The Discourse of Fundamental Works. Longman.
Firth, J. R. (1969). Papers in linguistics 1934-1951. London: Oxford University Press [Techniques of semantics]
Hunston, Susan and Amsterdam, Gill Francis. 2000. Pattern grammar : a corpus-driven approach to the lexical grammar of English. Benjamins.
Janda, Laura. 2000. “Cognitive Linguistics.” [http://www.indiana.edu/~slavconf/SLING2K/pospapers/janda.pdf]
Jaworski, Adam and Coupland, Nikolas. 1999. The discourse reader. London : Routledge.
Kay, Paul and Fillmore, Charles J. 1999. Grammatical Constructions and Linguistic Generalizations: the What's X Doing Y? Construction In Language, MAY 1999. (http://www.icsi.berkeley.edu/~kay/wxdy.ps)
Kay, Paul. 2002. An Informal Sketch of a Formal Architecture for Construction Grammar. in Grammars 5, 1-19. (http://www.icsi.berkeley.edu/~kay/cg.arch.pdf)
Lee, David. 2002. Cognitive linguistics : an introduction. Australia : Oxford University Press.
Mills, Sara. 1997. Discourse. London : Routledge.
Newmeyer, Frederick J. 1986. The Politics of linguistics. [P93 N551P]
Sapir, E. (1939). Language, an introduction to the study of speech. New York,: Harcourt, Brace [Chapter 4-5]
Starosta, S. 1988. The Case for Lexicase. Pergamon Press.
Thomas, Margaret. 2011. Fifty key thinkers on language and linguistics. Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY: Routledge.
15.3 สื่ออิเล็กทรอนิกส์ หรือ เว็บไซต์ที่เกี่ยวข้อง
Lexicase : http://www.ling.hawaii.edu/faculty/stanley/stanindex.html
Introduction to LFG and HPSG http://emsah.uq.edu.au/linguistics/Working%20Papers/ananda_ling/index.htm
Joan Bresnan homepage (http://www.stanford.edu/~bresnan/pv.html)
HPSG Website: Stanford (http://hpsg.stanford.edu/index.html)
HPSG Website: Ohio (http://www.ling.ohio-state.edu/research/hpsg/)
Optimality Archive : http://roa.rutgers.edu/ [537-0802-PRINCE-0-0.PDF, 482-1201-MCCARTHY-0-1.PDF]
Word Grammar (http://www.phon.ucl.ac.uk/home/dick/wg.htm)
Construction Grammar (http://www.constructiongrammar.org/)
Critical Approaches to Discourse Analysis Across Disciplines (http://www.cadaad.org/)
Norman Fairclough (http://www.ling.lancs.ac.uk/staff/norman/norman.htm)
Discourse in Society (http://www.discourses.org/)
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