International Association of Earth -
Environmental and Global - Citizen


Chapter I. General Rules

Article I. Name

The name of this organization shall be; The International Association of Earth - Environmental and Global - Citizen (IAEG).

Article II. Purpose

The purpose of this association is to promote awareness of humans as Global - Citizens, to contribute to the develop of the study of earth environment issues, to promote an understanding of the issues of life and to support activities aimed at solving the environmental problem.

Article III. Plan of Operation

The plan of operation of the Association shall be :

  1. To organize the National Convention, the International Congress and local research.
  2. To research environmental issues in cooperation with foreign institutions.
  3. To manage the Society of Informational Exchange for Environmental Education between Japan and China.
  4. To exchange international information through the Internet, and to provide and to administer a homepage for the Association.
  5. To publish an online journal and newsletter.
  6. In additional, to conduct projects concerned with issues of earth-environment and global-citizen.

Chapter II. Membership

Article IV. Membership

Membership of the Association shall consist of three classes : regular members, graduate course members, and student members.

Article V. Application

Membership of the Association shall be open to any person who shares the stated purposed of the Association. Application for membership shall be made by filling in an application form of the Association and paying the admission fee and the applicable annual membership fee.

Article VI. Membership Rights

Members are entitled to attend the International Congress and research group and shall receive the online journal and newsletter.

Chapter III. Officers

Article VII. Officers

Elected officers of the Association shall be :

  1. President (1)
  2. Vice President (2 or 3 people)
  3. Advisors (2 or 3 people)
  4. Council (10)
  5. Executive Directors (20, to form the Executive Committee)
  6. Secretaries (2 or 3 people)
  7. Accounts Auditors (2)

Article VIII. Election of Officers

  1. The President shall be elected by the Council.
  2. The Vice President and Advisors shall be nominated by The President.
  3. The Council shall be elected from the Executive Directors.
  4. The Executive Directors shall be elected from the members.
  5. The Secretary shall be nominated by the Executive Directors.

Article IX. Task of Officers

  1. The President shall be the representative of the Association and shall be responsible for the operation of the Association.
  2. The Vice President , the Advisor and the Council shall assist the President.
  3. The President shall preside at the Council meeting, and shall ask the Council and the Executive Committee for advice.
  4. The President shall be the Chief Executive Director and shall preside at meetings of the Executive Committee and shall direct the Association.
  5. The Executive Committee shall consist of the Planning Committee, the Editorial Committee, the Public Relation Committee and the International Exchange Committee.
  6. The Secretary shall assist the operation of the Association in, for instance, accounts, day-to-day running, the National Convention, the Symposium and local research of the Association.
  7. The Account Auditors shall audit the Association's finances.

Article X. Term of Officers

The officers shall serve for a term of 4-years. Future reelection shall be permitted.

Chapter IV. Meetings

Article XI. Executive Committee

  1. The Executive Committee shall be summoned by the President.
  2. If fifty percent plus one of the Executive Committee attened the Committee, the Committee will be recognized. However, attendance by letter of attorney is permissible.
  3. The quorum needed for the Executive Committee is fifty percent plus one of the Executive Committee.
  4. The Executive Committee may be enlarged by including Council members nominated by the President. Proceedings shall be followed as above as for a regular Executive Committee meeting.

Article XII. Council Meeting

  1. The council meeting shall be summoned by the President.
  2. The council meeting will meet at least one time per year.

Article XIII. Annual Meetings

  1. The annual meetings shall be organized by the members of the Association, and shall discuss the following : (1) execution of projects, (2) approval of officers, (3) approval of accounts, (4) membership fees, (5) revision of Constitution, (6) other matters at the request of the Executive Committee.
  2. The Association will meet at least one time per year. The quorum needed for the meetings is fifty percent of the attendance.

Chapter V. Finances

Article XIV. Expenses

The Association shall be a non-profit making organization. All funds are constituted from annual membership fees, contributions and so on.

Article XV. Membership fees

Membership fees shall be paid at the start of years. The amount of the annual dues is to be decided in a separate paragraph.

Article XVI. Budget and settlement of accounts

The budget is to be set by the Executive Committee. All reports must be approved by the Account Auditors. All reports must be reported at the Annual meeting.

Article XVII. Fiscal year

The fiscal year is from April, 1 to March, 31.

Chapter VI. Bylaws of the constitution

Article XVIII. Next election of officers

The Next election of officers shall be started from 2006.

Article XIX. Location of the general office

The general office of the International Association of Earth-Environment and Global-Citizen shall be ;

TANIGUCHI Fumiaki office, Department of Literature, Konan University.
8-9-1 Okamoto, Higashinada-ku, Kobe, Japan.

Article XX. Location of the field office

The field office of the Association shall be ;
Hirono Fieldsite of Konan Univ.

Article XXI. Enforcement

The articles and bylaws of this Association shall be effective from April 1, 1999. This date being one year after the Preparatory Committee meeting.

Additional Information
Membership fees shall be : ? 2,000 per annum for graduate course members, ? 1,000 per annum for student members. The admission fee shall be ? 5,000 (as of April 1, 1999).
