Introduction to English Composition
Syllabus (220205)


Introduction to English Composition is a reading-based writing course and an introduction to essay writing. Emphasis is on both organization and content.


To successfully complete the course, students are required to write four 3-6 paragraph essays about the following topics:

Students are expected to make a detailed plan for each of these essays. Initial drafts for the first three essays will be written in class. Second drafts will be done outside class and must be typed on a computer. Both drafts will be marked.

The fourth essay will be written under exam conditions on Monday, September 21.

Students are also required to keep a journal in which they write responses t course readings. These journals should help students develop fluency in writing and generate ideas for their essays. Some of these journal entries will be written in class; others will be done as homework assignments. Students will be asked to submit their journals to their teacher for checking four times during the term.

Course Calendar

Mon 12.00 -13.00
Friday 13.00-15.00

The dates for writing in-class first drafts are:


Students’ grades will be determined by the following distribution:

Journal/Attendance/Participation 30 points

Total points 150 points

N.B. Students who are absent from class when a first draft is written are still expected to write a first draft; however, this draft will not be graded. These students will receive points only for their second draft.

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