Text Book
ICTP Library
  • H.R. Glyde and Virulh Sa-yakanit "Electron Band Tails in Heavily Doped and Amorphous Semiconductors" Topics in Semiconductor Physics, World Scientific Publishing Co., Inc., Singapore, 144-161 (1987)
  • Virulh Sa-yakanit and H. R. Glyde "Path Integral Approach to the Theory of Heavily Doped Semiconductors" Proceeding of Adriatico Research Conference on Path Integral Methods with Applications : Path Summation Achievements and Goals, World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., Singapore, 168-210 (1987)
  • Virulh Sa-yakanit and H. R. Glyde
    "Path Integral Band Tails and Urbach Tails" Proceeding of Adriatico Research Conference on Path Integral Methods with Applications : Path Summation Achievements and Goals, World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., Singapore, 362-379 (1987)
  • J. Poulter and Virulh Sa-yakanit "On the Ground State Energy of the Polaron" Lectures on Path Integration : Trieste (1991) 26 August - September, pp. 506
  • Virulh Sa-yakanit and M. Sukdananda "Path Integral Approach to Quantum Hall Mobility" Proceedings of the International conference on Path Integrals in Physics 7-12 January 1993, pp. 154
  • Virulh Sa-yakanit and K. Tayanasanti "Static and Dynamic Effective Mass of the Polaron" Proceeding of the International Conference on the Frontier of Quantum Physics, Malaysia (1997)
  • Virulh Sa-yakanit and S. Boribarn "Path Integral Approach to the Landau Level Levitation" Proceeding of the "6th International Conference on Path Integrals from peV to Tev", Florence, Italy (1998)
  • Virulh Sa-yakanit and G. Slavcheva "Path Integral Approach to the Band-Tail Density of states in Heterojunction" Proceeding of the "6th International Conference on Path Integrals from peV to Tev", Florence, Italy (1998)

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