Department of English

Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University

2202242  Introduction to the Study of English Poetry


The Adventure of Poetry

An Undergraduate Conference

September 13, 18,  and 20, 2007

Chulalongkorn University, Faculty of Arts

Boromrajakumari Building room 314



Group Media Presentation Guidelines


The media presentation is the preliminary work that you have done on the poem chosen for your final paper, but arranged and converted into a webpage so that we can upload it online for others to learn from what you have prepared.  Each group will show your "poetic adventure" as part of the roundtable discussion on the adventure of poetry on the first day of the conference.  We will all have a chance to share the kind of adventure we have experienced and comment on the discoveries and presentations of others.  I have begun an example of such a poetry information page for John Donne's poem "The Flea."  You are free to design your poem page and play with the idea of adventure through it any way you like, of course, as long as the following required elements are included.  Have fun!


Each webpage should contain:

The entire website/presentation should contain:


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Last updated September 2, 2007