Department of English

Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University

2202344  Contemporary World Literature in English


Puckpan Tipayamontri

Office: BRK 1106

Office Hours: M 13 (from off campus, via Zoom Meeting Room) and by appointment

Phone: 0 2218 1780


Final Paper

In studying Contemporary World Literature in English this semester, we have examined not only literary texts (poems, short stories, plays, and novels), but also the concepts that attend such a project (What is the contemporary? How might one define the world? Which texts are literature? What constitutes English?) as well as the critical act itself (What is it that we do when we read and analyze a text? What are the limits and possibilities of critical reading and of different theoretical approaches? How might our expectations, biases, and interpretive acts shape the literary encounter?). How do you assess your experience and respond now to these questions from Pomona College professor raised in our first session?

Are we decrypting, translating, or paraphrasing the texts we read? Demystifying them? Remystifying them? Are we trailing them as literary detectives, or trying them in a readerly court? Are we bathing them in acids to reduce them to their constituent parts? What is at stake for us in reading works of imaginative literature, and what social—and solitary—functions does it perform?

This final paper makes use of your preliminary Lit Spot examination and test 2 analyses of texts, builds on the reading and research skills we have worked on, and gives you an opportunity to flex your investigative muscles and assess your close reading results one last time.

Quick View



The paper is individual work but, in response to your suggestions about group collaboration, there are two slight variations that you can choose to engage in: 1) independent scholar, and 2) panel scholar. If you choose the first option, any focus topic in the suggested list below applies to you. If you have a group of classmates who are interested in pursuing a particular topic with you, the second option applies to you where each member of your panel chooses a focus under the same umbrella topic, and where a panel conclusion is included aside from individual focus conclusions. When you e-mail me your paper, make sure one team member includes this panel topic conclusion.



Suggested Paper Topics

Below are topic ideas for you to develop and refine for your final paper. Of course, you are welcome to formulate your own as well, and, if you like, sign up to run it by me or to consult on your plans and writing.


Quick Reminders

Rewrite to fix problems regarding the argument, support, prose, organization, mechanics, and style to  make your paper more effective. Some things to keep in mind as you proofread and edit your work:



Writing information and support



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Last updated December 9, 2021