Department of English

Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University


Paper and Presentation Guidelines


The final paper (5–7 pp.) is a way for you to engage thoughtfully and more deeply with a particular issue or question we have read about and discussed this semester and to bring together skills in reading, critical thinking, and writing that we have worked on in our meetings. The paper is due in class on Thursday, September 22, 2011 or on by 1 p.m. on the same date.



You may examine further a point raised in class discussion, expand on an argument in a reading response, or develop one of the suggested topics below for your paper.



Some things to keep in mind as you proofread and edit your work:






Oral Presentation Guides

If you are using PowerPoint in your presentation, these guidelines can help you design effective slides:


Writing Guides






Last updated September 19, 2011