Department of English

Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University

2202441  British Fiction from the Twentieth Century to the Present


Puckpan Tipayamontri

Office: BRK 1106

Office Hours: M 13 (If you are off campus, via Zoom Meeting Room) and by appointment

Phone: 0 2218 1780




Throughout the semester, each student keeps a diary to record their personal journey. This can be in any format or on any platform you prefer—paper, wordprocessing document, Instagram, WordPress blog, html, and with the level of privacy you like except for occasional classcast entries where you will be given a topic to reflect on as one of your records for the day; these should be sharable. Here's a bare-bones template that you can download to use. Add to your journal, scrapbook as often as you wish, and occasionally in class you will be asked to write an additional entry in it.

Send a link to your diary to be included here.


Diary Links:

Fasai: Fasai's Diary


Kanidarpa: allaroundme.memo


Kulatida: Kullathida's Diary

Muthita: Muthita's Journal



Onjira: Onjira's Diary


Passkorn: Passkorn's Diary

Popkamol: looking for snowball

Rattanapat: Rattanapat's Diary

Sasisara: mylittlejournal


Thammasil: Thammasil's Journal

Window of Selected Entries:

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Things that make me happy today.

  • My dog came to nuzzle me today, as always. He's so adorable
  • My aunt tried to ask me about my teeth while I was washing my face. I replied "ฟัน" but she misheard it even though we're really close to each other. So, I just laughed because that's funny.



Thursday, March 25, 2021

5-year-old me’s diary
(Disclaimer: this is the closest to what my 5 year old self would write. She didn’t know English very well nor did she know how to even write?)

“Ice Creame. Kai jeaw. Favorite food. Nampung a meanie steals my dolls all the time and my mom tell me to subdue. Fine I’ll subdue. I don’t think I have any friends lol”

 46-year-old’s diary
“WOW. It’s been forever since the last time I picked up a pen that is not for signing the receipt for my credit card. My life could not be more busy. The kids are growing FAST. I still remember when they were coming out of my womb *tears*. The world has changed a lot as well. Technology is LIT. (Does anyone say that anymore? lol) Most of the cars on the road are now hybrid according to the environmental law. And don’t get me started on an Iphone… They have evolved so much. Good thing I was born in the beginning of Technology’s age… so my kids doesn’t get annoyed when I asked them how to use this “invisible keyboard (kind of figured it out by myself hahaha)”



Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Write your ideas for utopia.

- Everyone shall live peacefully (but not that kind of rest-in-peace).

- No one commits corruption.


Tuesday, February 2, 2021

I am looking at an outdoor table set under a canopy of trees surrounded by colorful flowers and bushes. It is a damn fine Tuesday afternoon. The sky is pale blue clear. I feel lucky to be here, considering that some of my friends are confined in their own rooms in Bangkok. I feel quite pity for them and want them to get out of their room and be here with me. Maybe we can sit at that table set and have a chat.



Tuesday, February 2, 2021

There is a window facing me, looking out to another window of my neighbour’s house. And that’s the view from all of the windows in my room: other windows. Large widows, opened windows, closed windows, curtained windows, all sorts of windows. The wind surrounding me is hot. It’s artificial.


Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Right before me is one friend. A typical friend who you would have one in your life. The kind of friend who is not too fancy, not too plain and as well not too intriguing. But lately, I’ve just learned how this type of friend is my life essential.



Home  |  British Fiction from the Twentieth Century to the Present 

Last updated May 10, 2021