Department of English

Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University



alternating rhyme

apocopated rhyme

approximate rhyme


assonant rhyme


broken rhyme

buried rhyme

caesural rhyme

chain rhyme

chiasmic rhyme

counter-semantic rhyme

couplet rhyme

crossed rhyme, cross-rhyme

embedded rhyme

end rhyme

envelope rhyme

extended rhyme

extra-syllable rhyme

eye rhyme

feminine rhyme

full rhyme

half rhyme

head rhyme

Hudibrastic rhyme

identical rhyme

imperfect rhyme

initial rhyme

inserted rhyme

interlaced rhyme

interlocking rhyme

intermittent rhyme

internal rhyme

irregular rhyme

leonine rhyme

light rhyme

linked rhyme

macaronic rhyme

masculine rhyme (single rhyme, one-syllable rhyme)

medial rhyme


mosaic rhyme

multiple rhyme

near rhyme

null rhyme

oblique rhyme

occasional rhyme

off rhyme


perfect rhyme

printers' rhyme

pure rhyme

rich rhyme (rime riche)

scarce rhyme

semantic rhyme

single rhyme

slant rhyme

spelling rhyme

sporadic rhyme

terminal rhyme

thematic rhyme

thorn line

triple rhyme

true rhyme

wrenched rhyme



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Last updated October 4, 2016