Cooked Foods
 | Clique Partitions of Glued Graphs (with Uthoomporn
submitted. |
 | Clique Coverings of Glued Graphs at
Complete Clones (with Wannapol Pimpasalee) submitted. |
 | Group Divisible Designs with Two
Associate Classes and $\lambda_2=2$ (with Wannee Lapchinda)
International Journal of Pure
and Applied Mathematics 55(2009) No.4: 561--568 |
Glued Graphs at Complete Clones (with Supaporn Saduakdee)
Journal of Mathematics Research
1(2009) No.1: 25--30 |
 | Clique Coverings of Glued Graphs at
Clones $K_2$ (with Wannapol Pimpasalee and Wanida Hemakul)
Proceedings of the 13th Annual Meeting in Mathematics, May 6-7,
2008, Srinakharinwirot University, Bangkok, Thailand (2008) : 39--44 |
 | Total Colorings of Some Classes of
Glued Graphs (with Wongsakorn Charoenpanitseri and Wanida Hemakul)
East-West Journal of Mathematics 10(2008) No.2:
161--167 |
 | Total Colorings of Trimmed Graphs (with Wongsakorn Charoenpanitseri and Wanida Hemakul)
Contributions in General Algebra II by
East-West Journal of
Mathematics for ICDMA2008 (2008): 63--70 |
 | Clique Coverings of the k-power of
Pyramids and Grids (with Tanawat Wichianpaisarn) Proceedings of
International Conference on Mathematics: Trends and Developments,
December 27-30, 2007, Cairo, Egypt (2007)
Vol. I : 87--99 |
Edge-chromatic Numbers of Glued Graphs (with Chanon Promsakon)
Thai Journal of Mathematics 4(2006) No.2 :395--401
 | Planar Glued Graphs (with Wanida Hemakul)
Scientific Research (Section T) 5(2006) No.3:109--118 |
Chromatic Numbers of Glued Graphs (with Chanon Promsakon)
Thai Journal of Mathematics 4(2006)
No.3 :75--81 |
 | Maximal-clique Partitions of Different
Sizes (with Kathy Fraughnaugh)
Ars Combinatoria 77(2005)
:109--114 |
International Conferences
 | 2009, November 11-13, 7th
Japan Conference on Computational Geometry and Graphs (JCCGG2009),
Kanazawa, Ishikawa, Japan |
 | 2009, June 22-26, 5th
Asian Mathematical Conference (AMC2009),
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia |
 | 2009,
March 20-22,
77th Workshop on General Algebra (AAA77),
24th Conference for Young Algebraists, Potsdam, Germany |
 | 2008, July 14-16,
The International Workshop on Algebraic
Combinatorics, Graph Theory, and Related Topics, Chiang Mai University
 | 2008, May 28-30, International Conference on Algebra
and Related Topics (ICART2008),
Chulalongkorn University |
 | 2008, March 5-7,
International Conference on Discrete
Mathematics and Applications (ICDMA2008),
University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce |
 | 2007, December 27-31,
The Second International Conference
on Mathematics: Trends and Developments (ICMTD2007),
Cairo, Egypt |
 | 2007, March 29-31, International Conference on Discrete
Mathematics (ICM2007), Srinakarinwirot University |
 | 2006, May 21-24,
International Conference on Mathematical
Analysis and Its Applications (ICMAA2006), Chulalongkorn University
 | 2006, April 7-14,
Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical
Computer Science, Fuzhou University, China |
 | 2006, March 1-3,
The 2nd Workshop of Graph Theory, Srinakarinwirot
University |
 | 2005, July 20-23,
The 4th Asian Mathematical Conference
(AMC2005), National University of Singapore |
 | 2005, July 14-17,
International Conference on 21st Century
Graph Theory, Chaingmai University |
Local Conferences
การประชุมคณิตศาสตร์ประจำปี 2551 ภาควิชาคณิตศาสตร์
จุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย กรุงเทพฯ 27-28 มีนาคม
2551 |
การประชุมวิชาการทางคณิตศาสตร์ประจำปี 2550 (ครั้งที่ 12)
ภาควิชาคณิตศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยบูรพา จ.ชลบุรี 17-18 พฤษภาคม 2550 |
 | การประชุมวิชาการทางคณิตศาสตร์ประจำปี 2549 (ครั้งที่ 11)
ภาควิชาคณิตศาสตร์ จุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย
กรุงเทพฯ 18-19 พฤษภาคม 2549 |
 | การประชุมวิชาการทางคณิตศาสตร์ประจำปี 2548 (ครั้งที่ 10)
ภาควิชาคณิตศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยนเรศวร จ.พิษณุโลก 12-13 พฤษภาคม 2548 |
Graduated Master
Degree Students
 | 2009 Supaporn Saduakdee
(Perfection of Glued Graphs of Perfect
Original Graphs) |
 | 2008 Wannapon Pimpasalee (วรรณพล
พิมพะสาลี) (Clique Coverings of Glued
Graphs) |
 | 2008 Wongsakorn Charoenpanitseri
(วงศกร เจริญพานิชเสรี)
(Total Colorings of Glued Graphs) |
 | 2007 Tanawat Wichianpaisarn
(Clique Coverings and Clique Partitions of the k-power of Graphs)
 | 2006 Chanon Promsakon (Colorability of
Glued Graphs) |
Graduated Academic Advisees
 | Piyachat Sripratak
(ปิยฉัตร ศรีประทักษ์) 2008 |
 | Pongpat
(พงศ์ภัทร ภัทรกิจวานิช) 2008 |
Graduated Senior Project Students
 | Wongsakorn (Sprouts Game) 2005 |