Department of English

Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University

2202592  Independent Study II

Puckpan Tipayamontri

Office: BRK 1106.1

Office Hours: M 13 and by appointment

Phone: 0-2218-4703


Suggested Reading



Tentative Schedule


Nov. 5

Topic Discussion


What is science fiction? What is magical realism? What is strangeness? What constitutes literary innovation?; fantasy and imagination; history of SF

2 Nov. 17

Preliminary Bibliography


Some primary texts:

  • Carroll, Lewis.  Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.  1735.

  • Faulkner, William.  As I Lay Dying.  1930.

  • Calvino, Italo.  If on a Winter's Night a Traveler.  1979.

Discussion: Modernism and "make it new"; postmodern newness

3 Nov. 29

Reading Response on If on a Winter's Night a Traveler


2 pages double-spaced, MLA format 

4 Dec. 9

Reading Response on As I Lay Dying


2 pages double-spaced, MLA format 

5 Dec. 17

Reading Response on Alice's Adventures in Wonderland


2 pages double-spaced, MLA format 

6 Dec. 27

Paper Outline 


Discussion: What does Calvino's If on a Winter's Night say about how we read? Are his observations about our reading strange? If so, does that mean our reading behavior is strange?; When does the Reader feel strange? Is that feeling of strangeness a negative or a positive one? What value is attached to strangeness in the novel? How is strangeness seen? Is it a desirable value in literature or not? What is the limit to strangeness? What makes strangeness undesirable?

7 Jan. 31

First Draft Due

  • 10–15 pages

  • MLA format

8 Feb. 7

First Draft Discussion 


Discussion: the connection between readers and writers, the link between reading and writing; Mechanics: a meaningful title and one that is descriptive of the paper's content; asking a question about the novel, developing an argument, focused rereading; organization, coherence; proofreading

9 Feb. 18

Pre-Final Draft Due

  • 10–15 pages

  • MLA format

10 Feb. 21

Pre-Final Draft Critique 

11 Mar. 7

Final Paper Due

  • 10–15 pages

  • MLA format



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Last updated February 9, 2011