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Computer Security - Hacking - Hackers
"A Rick's Cafe in the Casablanca world of hacking." - ABC News

AntiOnline's Coverage Of
The Defense Information Systems Network (DISN) Hackers
Who Are The MOD? What Are Their Goals?

The MOD (Masters Of Downloading/2016216) as they jokingly call themselves, are a group of approximately 15 hackers. They hackers come from the United States (8), UK (5), and Russia (2). Below is an interview John Vranesevich (JP) had with one of the members of MOD(note this is a log from an IRC Session. The hacker that was interviewed asked that no information be disclosed about him, not even his handle. For the purposes of this log, we will refer to this hacker by the name of his group, MOD.):

JP - Why did you guys break into the systems in the first place?
MOD - it was a challenge
MOD - and we wanted to try and find some classified data
MOD - not your usual webpage stuff
JP - so why did you want to go after classified materials?
MOD - because classified materials are generally more of a challenge
MOD - and reap larger rewards
JP - what made you decide to go after the DISN and not the pentagon itself?
JP - or nasa for that matter?
MOD - we have already done NASA
MOD - but that was a long time ago
MOD - and people got busted
JP - did you gain any classified materials from it?
MOD - we gained no classified materials, but the FBI seemed to think we did
MOD - we broke into the jet propulsion labs
MOD - they have satellite inf0 there
MOD - anyway...
MOD - the pentagon is part of the DISN
MOD - and the DISA are the responsible party for the well-being of the DISN
MOD - that's why we went for the DISA
MOD - all very logical
MOD - all the _real_ pentagon systems use the old networks anyway
MOD - x.25
MOD - etc.
JP - why did you wait 6 months to come forward with the stolen software?
MOD - we wanted to make absolutely sure that the DISA hadn't busted anyone
MOD - I personally wanted to release the software when we got it
MOD - the DISA shut down a few of the ftp sites it was stored on days after
MOD - I am perfectly sure the cost is clear
MOD - I have been for months
MOD - It's the guys in the US who are more likely to get busted over this
MOD - and that's why we have waited
JP - are there other things that your group is holding until your sure the "coast is clear" ?
MOD - We have other classified data and access to networks
MOD - so we are still at large
MOD - I personally am getting a bit too busy with work/real life issues to be playing God with the US DoD's networks
MOD - But the Russians I know for a fact still have alot of access to classified data
MOD - That's a whole different story.. :-)
JP - When you say "The Russians", you're referring to the russian members of your group?
MOD - yes
JP - people like The Analyzer have been criticized for using commonly known exploits to gain access to US military and governmental servers. Did your group use similar exploits?
MOD - It was a case of finding weak links in networked environments, using many techniques..
MOD - We have non-public local and remote exploits
JP - Do any members of your group work with/for foreign governmental or military agencies?
MOD - No
MOD - None of us work for any agencies or governments
MOD - heh
MOD - I am pretty sure we are all employed to do security related work
JP - Will your group continue to infiltrate high-level US governmental and military servers?
MOD - yes, and non-governmental servers
JP - Could you name some examples of commercial or educational servers your group as infiltrated?
MOD - we have infiltrated many systems based in eastern europe and asia
MOD - we have scanned all of hungary, switzerland, japan and thailand for remote holes such as imap,statd,cgi's,nfs exports
JP - Ok, let's talk a bit about the software package that you recovered from the DISA.
JP - what was it called?
MOD - it is called DEM
JP - and that stands for what?
MOD - the DISN Equipment Manager
MOD - DISN stands for Defense Information Systems Network
JP - What does your group believe this software is/was used for?
MOD - It was used by the DISA to routinely check and maintain the DISN hardware from a remote location
MOD - that hardware being routers, multiplexers, IDNX networks, repeaters
MOD - and GPS satellites and receivers
JP - Does your group believe it would be able to use this software to disable military data networks
MOD - Since we have had the software we have taken it apart to analyze it's function further
MOD - We believe that with a spoofed machine, or from a IP (if we hacked the nameservers), that we could remotely reconfigure such hardware
JP - Does your group have any intentions of doing so?
MOD - It is always nice to have such power over a network as big and valuable as the DISN
MOD - but at this point in time, we'd just like this to be a reminder to the US DoD that we can take down their entire network from a remote location
MOD - ie. anywhere on the earth's surface
MOD - we have the power to do so, but at this point in time, we have no reason to launch such an attack..
JP - Dont' you think they would have made changes to their network after knowning that this software has been stolen?
MOD - after we stole the software, they spent ALOT of money in securing the NT cluster that we had infiltrated
MOD - if we _really_ wanted to, I'm sure we could get back into those machines.. but it would take some time, it would be a full-time operation.
MOD - we have non-public local and remote exploits
MOD - all we have to do is compromise an account
MOD - and we are back in..
MOD - however I think we have already proven our point
MOD - purely by stealing classified material from the DoD over the internet
MOD - we have alot more pressing projects to undertake now, regarding china and other countries..
MOD - as they also have defense networks
MOD - we are not stupid enough to re-prove our point and risk getting caught
MOD - we would rather target new defense networks
MOD - but I don't want to go into that right now..
JP - What do you think governments and military institutions should be doing to ensure the security of their networks?
MOD - it's simple
MOD - 1) take all military systems off the internet
MOD - 2) place only military webservers on the internet
MOD - keep the rest on a purely internal network
JP - Well, government officials have already told the public that the most classified of data is kept on a purely internal network.
JP - Do you believe this?
MOD - I believe we have clearly proven that is not true..


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