Department of English
Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University
Introduction to the Study of English Literature
Puckpan Tipayamontri
Office: BRK 1106.1
Office Hours: M 1–3 and by appointment
Phone: 0 2218 4703
Section 3
BRK 309
M 9:30–11:00, W 8:00–9:30
Truth of Fact, the Truth of Fiction" Passage Focus
Choose a passage to unpack. For Wednesday, September 4 class, within the page ranges given below, decide which excerpt intrigues you the most. Notice from Monday's selections what works well. A passage that benefits from such close scrutiny would have certain characteristics. For example,
In other words, the more the passage resists your reading (It is difficult or problematic in some way.), the more potential it has for this kind of intent, sustained scrutiny and careful tracking, and the more rewarding the results of your attention.
| Introduction
to the Study of English Literature | English
Last updated: September 2, 2019