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photos and articles
Happy the Pink Panther's Year 2010 from Look-Narm
Papers / Articles / Lectures on . . . .
New!! Article entitled: WiMBY: A comparative interests analysis of the heterogeneity of redevelopment of publicly owned vacant land (Aruninta,A. 2009) in Journal : Landscape and Urban Planning Article entitled : Landscape Architecture in Thailand (Series: The State of the Profession around the World) in Topos Magazine # 62 Article entitled : Memorial Park : the Commemorative Landscape for Arch CU Academic journal 2/2549 Article entitled Megaprojects : The politics of Public Policy for Sarasatr #10 at Faculty of Architecture, Chulalongkorn University (Oct 26-27, 2006) Article entitled Fairs, Festival and Events : Intangible Cultural Landscape for Livable CityManaging Publicly owned Urban Vacant Land (The 42nd IFLA World Congress, Edinburgh, Scotland, 2005) More infomation on my paper [event web] - Paper for City Futures International Conference (July8-10,2004) see official website, personal photos album, and read my paper
- Managing Public streets (for Sarasatre #6, Dec2002) Managing Public Street in Bangkok [In Thai, PDF for Sarasatre #6]
- Edutainment Landscape
Multivariate Analysis for Urban Landscape Planning [in Thai, PDF, Slide Presentation Managing Public Street in Bangkok [PDF,In Thai for Sarasatre #6] Managing Public streets (for Sarasatre #6, Dec2002,PDF- in Thai) - Waterfront development [ASA Magazine Electronic version : March-April 1995] Thai language
Web-based Instruction - Landscape Architecture : Case study library Series I by Asst Prof Ariya Aruninta (requires Flash Plug-in) - Web-based Instruction Course for Landscape Architecture : or Edutainment Landscape(PDF- in Thai)
- (PDF Thai Article) My mid-year trip to Yellowstone National Park
- Non-Handicapped Planning for Disabled Persons and Elderly (in Thai- Require Netscape Browser only) for Sarasatr 1# -2540 Conference at Faculty of Architecture, Chulalongkorn University (And be published at Thai Association of Landscape Architects (TALA) E-Library, Dot-Line-Plane E-articles at http://www.kmitl.ac.th/dotlineplane/forum/lforum/disable/index.htm) (in Thai)
- Lecture on Civil Engineering Project Planning (13/09/99)
- Lecture on Civil Engineering Project Planning (yr 1998)
- Department of Landscape Architecture Conference #1byDept of Landscape Architecture Faculty of Architecture, Chulalongkorn University Topic : "Urban Land Management Measures" Download PDF File [here] (In Thai)
- Managing under-utilized urban space ; Case studies from Paris
- Article in Thai : Avenues in the big cities
- Article in Thai : Theme Parks : Only Amusement Facilities or Outdoor Museums
- Photography pages : Blog, Multiply, Blogspot, Arch 72 yr anniversary La-concert Krobdeksangbaan
Keeping updated on . . .
- New!! I went to Philippines to be Invited Speaker for an International Forum : Coping with Climate Change Risks : A forum on Community Innovations for Adaptation to Climate (Change) Related Disaters @ Eugenio Lopez Center, Antipolo City, Philippines 4-5 March 2009. The topics presented included ; 'Innovation in Thailand : Regional effort.' , and joined panel discussion : 'Governance framework ' with UNDP, senator Heherson Alvarez, Department of Science and Technology, Department of Environment and Natural Resouces, Philippines. [Photos] [Paper] [Official website]
- CHE Holland trip with the Commission for Higher Education (CHE), Ministry of Education, visited the Netherlands during 8-14 Dec 2008 [Photos]
- Beijing trip with ACUA during Nov 7-11, 2008. I also met Prof HU Jie, the landscape architect who designed Olympic Forest Park. [Photos]
- I was invited to be an international judge again @ The Malaysian International Landscape and Garden Festival [LAMAN 2008] in KL, Malaysia, during July 17-19,2008 [Check out my LAMAN08 photos]
- IFLA 2008 in Apeldoorn, Holland June 27-July 4, 2008 [event web] [see album]
- LA Individual Study field trip to Japan 7-21 April 2008 [Course website/Multiply]
- Landscape Architecture in Thailand, Series: The State of the Profession around the World. Topos Magazine #62, March 2008
- Join China Landscape Architecture Summit and IFLA declaration on Beijing Olympic 2008 (12-17 May, 2007) [Read IFLA Newsletter #71 June 2007]
- 2007 : 30 Years of Landscape Architecture in Thailand IFLA Newsletter #74 January, 2008 [Read IFLA newsletter here!]
- IHS Refresher Course : "Strategies for Sustainable Cities in Asia" (21 May-1June, 2007). Let's check out the Beijing Photos at my Multiply
- Invited speaker @ Landscape Urbanism : Blurring the line Symposium in Singapore Feb 10,2007. Paper Entitled: Newbies and Their Landscape Architecture Career Paths : The Situation in Thailand. "
- LAMAN2006's visit [check out official LAMAN2006 website.
- ETH Zurich and AIT PhD Workshop 18-21 Oct, 2005 [click here for unofficial website and photos]
- The 42nd IFLA World Congress International Conference - Edinburgh, Scotland [June 26-29, 2005] Abstract "MANAGING PUBLICLY OWNED URBAN VACANT LAND REDEVELOPMENT PROJECTS IN BANGKOK, THAILAND" Theme : Urban Growth and Decline. More infomation on my paper [event web] [see album]
- Photo Trip to Aichi Expo and other places in Japan and Tokyo such as Meiji Mura, CentrAir Airport, Oasis21, Minato Mirai21, Odaiba-Tokyo Big Sight, Disney Sea and lovely host family of Ayame Sa [see album] May 29-June 5,2005
- Photo Trip to Siem Reap [see album] Jan 16-18,2005
- Participated in City Futures International Conference (July8-10,2004) see official website, personal photos album, and read my paper
- As a visiting scholar at Great Cities Institute, College of Urban Planning and Public Affairs, University of Illinois at Chicago under Fulbright Junior Research Scholarship Program used to be here!(oops...no longer exist) or Oocities(Originally it was at Geocities) (hmm.......m.....Unfortunately, if you use Uninet, MICT-Thailand has blocked us to access to all geocities website since August 2004 !! read more about this here )
- An Intensive Study on Asia-Europe Programme at Sciences Po, Paris [16th June-25 July, 2003] Click here!
- Songkran 2003 [Card]
- I went to Sapporo Snow Festival 54th during Feb9-12, 2003 See some nice panoramic quicktime movie here.
- During March 2-5, 2002, we went to Surin Islands National Park. Let's visit the 360 Degree Panoramic view of our camp ground... here Very nice!! & Interactive!
- August 11th, 2002... we went to Ayudhaya. See Wat Chai Wattanaram 180 Panoramic view here.
(ÅÙ¡¹éÓ) ÍÃسԹ·ì Ariya 'NARMAruninta |
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- My Chula friends/ Website
- My Science-Po friends (2003).
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Last modified on Monday 6th July, 2009